We constantly find people wanting to start their building project. They have thought about it for quite some time even looking at pictures online - but just don’t know how to start.

Worst still they launch straight into an expensive design service without any understanding of the processes involve. They don’t establish any relationship and have not carefully established the ground work for their project.

We developed The Process during our years of experience of diverse projects. As projects evolve they involve quite a number of people. We uncovered that clients and consultants were starting the design and construction process BEFORE any research and evaluation and even BEFORE they had critiqued their own design needs and options.

We believe this process applies across all development projects in both residential and commercial. More and more people are trying to run before they have mastered the walk.

The consequence of inadequate upfront research of the needs and options review is like building a house on bad foundations. As we all know the foundations are the most important part to any project, because everything is built on top. It's very expensive to change the foundations once you start building, however its very easy to change them if they are simple lines to a page.

Here at DQ Designs we spend a little more time on the research than most other firms, who rush their clients straight into the design phase.

There are six important steps in completing a project

1. Needs and Options Review - Which is the first step
2. Sketch Design and Planning
3. Design Developement
4. Council Approvals
5. Project Documentation
6. Construction and Completion
As we all know the foundations are the most important part to any project, because everything is built on top. It's very expensive to change the foundations once you start building, however its very easy to change them if they are simple lines to a page.

Ask Yourself the following Questions?

One to Ten How clear are you on exactly what you need?
One to Ten How aware are you of all the various options your site will accomodate?
One to Ten How confident are you that you are aware of all the legal requirements?
One to Ten How aware are you of the entire process to get the project completed on time and on budget?
One to Ten How confident are you that your budget will achieve your needs?

Don't worry if you don't score 10 out of 10 in every question. There is a way to fill in the gaps and that is with a- Needs & Options Review

Here at DQ Designs we spend a little more time on the research than most other firms, who rush their clients straight into the design phase. The Needs & Options Review answers all you questions that you aren't sure of.

Request a Needs & Options Review for your project now.
Sketch design is the first step in planning your project and it starts completing the project brief. We visit your site, take photos, analyse orientation of the site, views and microclimate.

You will also need to get a surveyor to prepare a detailed survey suitable for designing your project. This survey contains a lot of information such as topographic level, trees, sewer line, pits, trees, roof and gutter level etc.

You may want to engage your own surveyor or we can request quotes for you. A survey takes a good part of the day and can be as long as six hours depending on the site size and complexity.

You do not have to be present all this time.
While you wait for the survey we research the council regulations applicable to your site. Once we get the survey we can start working on the sketch design.

The sketch design includes plans, section and elevations if necessary. Once you are happy with the sketch design we proceed to the next stage
Design development is about getting to finer details of your project – its structure, materials, location and type of services and how all that influences the exterior and interior of the building.

This is also when we work on the interior features of your project and prepare required drawings. (Some items may not be necessary for development application (for example, interior features and joinery that do not affect structure and exterior) so they may be prepared later so as not to extend design time.)

We will coordinate the work of specialist consultants such as hydraulic and structural engineer, bush fire consultants and so on as required. Their recommendations and findings may play a significant role in designing your project and construction budget.

We will provide a schedule of proposed finishes, review the developed design against the budget and coordinate, and prepare an updated estimate of the cost of the works.

To sum up, we will:

• develop the approved concept design and provide documentation to explain it to you,
• coordinate the work of specialist
• provide a
schedule of finishes,
• review the developed design against the budget and
• coordinate, and prepare an updated
estimate of the cost of the works.
We will prepare drawings and supporting documentation to lodge your development application or complying development certificate. Every Council has different requirements and every project is unique.

What is a Development Application?

A Development Application  is a set of documents that are reviewed by Council for
approval, to develop your land. The package includes:

• plans, elevations, sections and a number of special drawings with notes, dimensions and calculations to show how the proposal meets Council and State regulations
• Statement of environmental effects, Waste management plan, CDC certificate, Schedule of finishes and materials, Opinion of probable cost
• other documents different in each case as it depends on where your land is and what you are planning to build.

If your project does not quite comply with regulations, which this happens quite often for builders and developers, it is good to have a pre-lodgment meeting with the Council. There is a fee for it but it is an opportunity to see what the Council’s feedback and response is to the proposal and whether the Council appreciates our arguments for justifications to any issues raised by council.

Once this package is ready the owner pay the council’s fee for lodging the development application. The fee is based on construction cost. There may be other fees and levies pertinent to the proposal. 

What happens in Council?

The application may spend several weeks in the Council. We start chasing your application after the statutory 60 days in council to notify you on its status.

First, the proposal goes on notification.

The Council will put a sign on your property and send letters to your neighbours. If there are objections we may have to meet the objector and the duty planner to resolve it.

Therefore, it is always recommended to be upfront with your neighbours if your proposal is likely to affect them. After two week’s notification the Council starts reviewing the application and any objections. The strongest proposal is the one that complies with State and local planning policy. It has the best chances of being approved without conditions.

What happens if my application is refused?

If your application is refused you can submit another one having addressed the issues or you can go to SAT. Again, success in the court depends on council issues raised. The fewer of them the better.

What If i change my mind after DA is approved?

If you decide to change design after it is approved, you can lodge a DA Amendment application. In this case we will prepare drawings showing the changes. Other documents may also be required.

If your project complies with the code it can be approved faster through Complying Development Certificate.

What is a Certified Building Permit?

A Certified Building Permit is a 
combined planning and construction approval.

It is supposed to be a 
fast track, 10-day approval process where a building meets all of the predetermined standards established in either a State or local council planning document.

A complying development certificate can be issued by either your local council or an accredited certifier.

In addition to preparing drawings we will:

• write specifications
• obtain supplementary information and
• coordinate consultant’s reports with our documents.

If your project was approved through development application to Council the next step must be getting a Construction Certificate. But if you have a Complying Development Certificate you can skip the next step and go straight to tender.

What is a building Certifier?

A Building Certifier checks that the proposal complies with technical standards and regulations.

This set of documents is different in each case. Council often gives consent with conditions. We update the drawings to meet these conditions. The Certifier lodges the Construction Certificate with Council once they are satisfied that all the requirements of the Development Consent are met.

The Certifier also inspects the site before and during construction and issues occupation certificate upon completion. In this case, the Certifier acts as a Primary Certifying Authority (PCA). However, you can also request the Council to be your PCA.
Working drawings

These drawings are drawn at a scale 1:50, 1:20 and 1:5 where necessary. They provide the builder with the information they need at a high level of detail including method of construction, locations, joints, thicknesses, finishes and many dimensions. Together with a document called Specifications these drawings make a full set allowing builders to see the level of detail required.

If you consider the standard package remember two points:

1 Changes = Time = Money, and
2 The later the change, the more expensive it will be

Therefore, changes in plans cost much less than changes during construction known as variations. Variations are one of the two reasons costs spiral out of control. The other reason is the unknown (excavation and weather). For this reason we recommend that you consider our full working drawings services package.

If you do not have a preferred builder we can help with tendering out your project and organise builders quotes:

1 We give each builder a copy of working drawings and Specifications.
2 Builders prepare their quotes.
3 We can help analyse and compare the quotes for you and meet with any builders. However we do not recommend a builder because it must be your decision for the appointed builder to start your project.

There are several different forms of Building Contract, so you should always seek legal advice before signing anything.
What happens during construction?

During construction you are likely to have fortnightly site meetings with the builder during which you will be checking how construction is going and verifying that you are happy with work done so far and that you can pay the builder’s next progress claim.

You will be answering questions and checking that work is done according to the drawings and terms of contract, that materials used are exactly what you want.

If you do not have the knowledge to answer the builder’s questions you will have to rely on their professionalism and judgment. However, it cannot be ruled out that even with builder’s best intentions you will not like the result because you thought it would be done differently.

How your life can be made easier

Our services can help with this by:

• meeting on site with you and the builder
• resolve upcoming issues
• amend drawings as required
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